From your mother’s large rounded ass cheeks to all the way up her back her body was shuddering, trembling in response to your stimulation down there. Deep in the tender folds of her asshole the gargantuan puckered monster was making a meal out of you, enjoying every bit of your reluctant wriggling. Gigantic shifting wrinkles the size of several city blocks pulsed and squeezed around you, suffocating you in the warmth of her ass’s most potent anal odors. The deeper you were sucked inside the hole the more you could feel its hot sticky anal juices covering your body. It really felt like you were inside the mouth of a colossal hungry beast, slowly preparing itself to swallow you whole.

“MOM NOOO!! WAKE UP MOM PLEASE!!” you screamed, desperate for some miracle that she’d hear you.

Maybe in some fiction family members had the ability to sense when one another was in danger, but that was not the case here. Your mother was asleep and her massive pulsating poophole had free reign to devour you alive. Hopelessly you struggled and fought back, thrashing against the juicy flesh walls to climb your way back out. You could feel that it was only making the beast more ravenous but you were deathly afraid that if you didn’t do something to get out now you’d become trapped inside the worst place imaginable. The thought of just staying in place and being swallowed into the darkness beyond was too much for you, and so you kept struggling, even to your own detriment. Just then a huge groaning sound echoed from somewhere nearby.

All at once the great anal maw yawned apart and a tremendous blast of hot sticky wind fired out of it like a rocket. The seemingly insurmountable anal wrinkles, strong enough to crush cities compared to you, reverberated and flapped around like pieces of paper. The force of your mom’s fart was so powerful it shook your tiny world asunder, plowing through your fleshy prison and battering you senseless from the vibrations. Eventually your speck of a body was torn off the hot flesh and sent flying skywards.

You were in the midst of the sweltering tornado of intestinal gases for only a fraction of a second before your body was flattened against the underside of your mom’s stretched out panties-turned-thong. For you it was like you were stuck to her flesh one second and then slammed into the taut wall of fabric the next. The enormous roaring fart kept you locked against the underwear as it raged on, the woman’s wicked hot fumes shot past the weaves in the fabric while you were trapped in place. Giant tremors shook across the entirety of your mom’s rear end, making her big sexy ass cheeks jiggle, while you were suffering in the very center of her gassy hellstorm. Choking on the smoldering hot pent-up stench, you wondered just how long this torture would last. As soon as it ended though, you wished it hadn’t.

It took a full second for your body to peel off the back of your mom’s thong, but once it happened you knew you were on a one-way trip back to her starving asshole. You felt devastated as you plummeted back to the darkness below. That awful fart was your last moment to see light from the outside world, such a horrible experience was your final taste of freedom.

As soon as your body crashed back down into the monstrous pucker the whole thing sprang to life again, convulsing and squeezing with a reinvigorated fever. This time you really tried your best to stop it from pulling you inside its massive folds, but the beast was far too hungry to let that happen. Within a couple seconds you were already smothered under several tons of horrible smelling flesh, the gigantic anus writhing in a frenzy of excited twitches. You just happened to land in the very center of the orifice, where all its plump meaty bands of flesh met together, and of course, where they were the most sensitive.

“Oh God, dear…” your mother’s sleepy voice moaned into her pillow.

The pleasant tickles coming from her asshole were spreading warmth throughout her body. Her face blushed a deeper red while her nipples poked into the mattress.

The monster farthole throbbed even faster, clenching and unclenching wildly as it dragged you deep inside. The outside world was no longer visible to you, the foul hot gnashing folds of flesh were your new world now. Horrible ass slime covered you from head to toe, the inner center of Miriam’s anus was well lubricated to assist your entry inside her body. You screamed in fear, not wanting to go to such a place, thrashing around like crazy to make your mom notice you before it was too late. The giant butthole wrinkles twisted and flipped your insignificant body within their maw, every time you pushed back against the overbearing flesh it quivered and spasmed to feel you more. You were beaten up and terrified, praying for your mother to save you, and yet outside her voice was just letting out more sensual moans.

“MOM PLEASE!! HELP ME!! YOUR ANUS IT’S TOO STRONG!!” you called out to her in a hoarse voice.


She moaned some more, blissfully unaware of the horrific torture you were dealing with. Her massive anus tightened up even harder, wanting for you to make those delicious vocal vibrations again. Your face became smothered in pink rubbery flesh and anal juices, completely subjugated by the might of her ass. The throbbing backdoor was hell bent on devouring you now, you could feel the suction increase and it pulled you deeper and deeper. It was like the beast was distracting your mom from helping you, feeding her bits of pleasure while she was unaware that it was eating you alive.

Even so, it was hard for you not to confront the unsettling fact that she was loving all the anal stimulation right now. Never would you have thought about or wanted to hear your own mother’s voice moaning like this, but even muffled through the tons of ass flesh it was still audible. It was like her body was accustomed to being pleasured back here, and even the smallest tickles sent her into a strong state of arousal. You couldn’t stop yourself from wondering just what else your mother has allowed “in” this place before, and fed to the ravenous beast.

Outside on the mattress, Miriam’s massive curvaceous body was quivering with pleasure. Her hands gripped the bedsheets, and her great wide hips bucked in place like they had just been spanked. She was clearly dreaming about some pleasant past memories, her expression looked joyful as she moaned.

“Aaahn, deeper…”

Those words were the last thing you heard amidst her loud moans, as you finally reached the apex. On her command the huge behemoth of an anus devoured you completely, swallowing you inside itself like the helpless speck you were. The twitching pressure reached its peak, crushing your body on all sides to the point where you couldn’t endure the pain any more, and then some. You wanted to scream but your mouth wouldn’t open, you could only wallow in despair as the gigantic fart-soaked orifice consumed you. Miserable and defeated, you felt the internal folds of your mother’s asshole become more squishy and wet as you passed through the other end. You were inside her now.

Your tiny micro-sized form was deposited into a wide chamber, feeling free to finally move again. It was the first time in what felt like an eternity of being crushed, even if the actual torture only lasted a matter of minutes. Even so, you were the furthest thing from relieved, waist deep in the awful juices of your own mother’s bowels. The organic tunnel of flesh churned, pulsating with excitement to the point where you couldn’t stand without being knocked over. Ever since you first entered the oozing tissue of her bowel walls was undulating hungrily for more stimulation. The atmosphere was ridiculously oppressive, your shoulders felt weighed down by the intense heat and thick miasma of humidity in the air. Thanks to all those recent farts the smell inside Miriam’s ass was extremely ripe, burning your mouth with every gasp. In the distance you heard muffled groans, and worried what was going to become of you.

Outside your mom's huge horny asshole was still twitching under her thong, the front spot of her crotch had also grown slightly damp…

January 7